Adventures of a Stylist

When a stylist has a little too much down time between clients, we tend to get…..creative! Sometimes we change our hair color, sometimes we do self maintenance, but sometimes we become dragons!

This adventure begins with a couple of hours down time. So I decided to video myself doing makeup. As this was very close to Halloween, I chose to do something special…special effects that is! I had some left over scales, and some new color pallets, so dragon it was!

We as beauty professionals, have excess creative juices that flow through our brains on the daily! So occasionally we must let them out. This creative outlet is what keeps our mad scientist, creative genius, or inner butterfly happy! If you happen to be on the receiving end of one of our excess creativity sessions, count yourself lucky. We love to let our colorful side show! Thanks for helping us live our creative dreams!!


Stop Brushing Your Curls!